So you want to accept credit cards as a payment method but are entirely dissuaded by the outlandish fees. When you see how much the processing fees can range from between different providers, it’s enough to make anyone shake their head in dismay. However, there is a rather simple method that you can use to easily find a premier services provider that doesn’t take you to the bank with an outrageous credit card processing fee.
Research and Compare Providers
Your first step is to research different providers to compare what they charge for a credit card processing fee. Some providers charge less than one percent, whereas others may charge as much as two percent. But you will get different service from each provider. So carefully research them. Sometimes it’s better to pay a higher credit card processing fee to go with a premium provider.
Request a Quote on Services
You can always request a quote on services. A credit card processing fee can also range between your transactions volumes. For example, some businesses generate so many quarterly transactions that they may be eligible for a fee reduction on that basis. The only way to find out for sure is by requesting a specific quote regarding the credit card processing fee.
Pick the Provider with the Lowest Fee
Once you have your research and your quotes in hand, it’s time to make a decision. Carefully weigh your options and considerations. Take your time with arriving at a decision. This way you can enjoy a low credit card processing fee and a fabulous provider.
If you require a website credit card processing solution, it’s always helpful to know what amenities to look for with a quality provider. Since most business owners are not credit card processing pros, a little bit of smart advice can go a very long way. Use these helpful tips to know what to look for in a premier website credit card processing services provider.
Customer Support
Customer support is everything. You want to ensure that you are offered around the clock support. You never know when there might be an issue that arises with your website credit card processing service. Vital, 24-hour support is a must-have.
Integration should be streamlined and supported as well. This means that your website credit card processing services provider is willing to assist you with implementing and integrating payment gateways. This ensures that you can be accepting online payments quickly, and without any unnecessary delays.
Low Fees
Processing fees can cost you a fortune if you are not wary. Make sure that the website credit card processing services provider you choose offers competitive fees. Spend some time looking around to compare fees and to get an idea of what to expect.
Easy Interface
The online interface of your website credit card processing service should be simple to use. It should offer graphs and charts as well as other helpful functions to track your sales. You should also be able to fire off batches at the click of a button.
Fast Funds
Lastly, you shouldn’t have to wait a long time to gain access to your money. The best website credit card processing solutions only require two business days to process funds. So make absolutely certain that yours does, too.